Breastfeeding Support

Most women are aware that ‘breast is best’, but many women don’t feel they get the support they need to successfully breastfeed their baby. Here at Redding Midwifery Group we are passionate to see you succeed in giving your baby the best. It is the best preventative medicine a mother can give her child. Our breastfeeding success rates are very high with more than 95% of our moms still breastfeeding after six months. We will strive to see you succeed in this area of caring for your baby. We are also fortunate to have excellent support systems in our community through La Leche League as well as the WIC Breastfeeding Support office.


WIC Breastfeeding supporT

Breastfeeding support: (530) 245-6466

Provides a friendly space for anyone interested in learning about breastfeeding. Staff consists of mothers and trained breastfeeding professionals who provide assistance, support, and referrals to breastfeeding women, their infants and families. Offers breast pump rentals, breastfeeding classes and support groups.

Eligibility: Open to all mothers, support people, medical staff, childbirth educators, lactation professionals, community members, and employers interested in becoming a breastfeeding friendly business

Program Hours:
By Appointment Only

2889 East Center Street Redding, CA 96007 Phone: 530-225-5168

Burney: Phone: 530-225-5168
36911 Main Street Burney, CA 96013

Enterprise: Phone: 530-224-4200
2757 Churn Creek Road Redding, CA 96002

Shasta Lake Phone: 530-225-5168
4216 Shasta Dam Boulevard Shasta Lake, CA 96019 

Services offered:

  • Telephone assistance to answer brief questions and evaluate the need for a comprehensive consultation

  • One-on-one breastfeeding counseling

  • Referrals to the WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program

  • Referrals to various agencies within Shasta County to assist new mothers and their families with additional services

  • Breast pump rentals


Judy Cassidy, IBCLC

(530) 515-9332




This wonderful resource teaches women to hand pump instead of using a breast pump. There are videos to watch and lots of education.



Redding, CA

Contact Nancy Dellamaria, IBCLC



rent a breast pump

1670 Market St., Suite 300
Redding, CA 96001

Front desk: (530) 229-8446

Breastfeeding support:

(530) 245-6466

WIC Breastfeeding Support has Medela and Ameda pumps for $45 per month. Kits needed with each pump cost $35. 

We are here to help! Instructions about using the pump, storing breast milk, scheduling feedings and other helpful tips are FREE. Please call for more information.