To love moms, partners, and babies well in this most sacred time of life.
To bestow confidence, joy and peace through the childbearing year with all the families we serve.
To see women and their families have faith in and celebrate the BRILLIANT process of our Creator’s design to bring forth life.
To invest in the future of midwifery in this country through training up of new midwives.
To have midwives be given opportunity to serve families here at home and abroad.
OUR vision
To see healthy, thriving maternity collaboration within the North State.
For women to be given SAFE and SUPPORTED choice for birth in either her home or in a hospital setting with access to ANY provider she chooses.
To see VBAC deliveries become the ‘norm’ in this country and the art of vaginal breech and twin deliveries restored to midwives, OBs, and GPs.
For the North State to become a model of healthy, thriving maternity care.